среда, 5 июня 2013 г.





itslaban: Everyone's homeland, Palestine. 


Everyone's homeland, Palestine. 

"People will kill you over time, and how they'll kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases, like: 'be..."

"People will kill you over time, and how they'll kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases, like: 'be realistic.'"

- Dylan Moran  (via ondaroof)

occupygezipics: File this under iconic: A couple kiss near a...


File this under iconic: A couple kiss near a burning barricade in Ankara. 

indiaincredible: India



stopandstare-ss: i dont reblog faces but This.


i dont reblog faces



"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents and everyone is writing a book."

"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents and everyone is writing a book."


Cicero, circa 43 BC (via amandaonwriting)

"The recency illusion is the belief or impression that something is of recent origin when it is in fact long-established."

(via cimness)

Is Hizbullah Anti-Semitic?

Is Hizbullah Anti-Semitic?:


Read this.

ikenbot: mohandasgandhi: howtobeterrell: SLAVE WHIPPING AS A...




Whipping was done at these markets, or trader's yards, all the time. People who lived in the city of Richmond would send their slaves here for punishment. When any one wanted a slave whipped he would send a note to that effect with the servant to the trader. Any petty offense on the part of a slave was sufficient to subject the offender to this brutal treatment. Owners who affected culture and refinement preferred to send a servant to the yard for punishment to inflicting it themselves. It saved them trouble, they said, and possibly a slight wear and tear of feeling. For this service the owner was charged a certain sum for each slave, and the earnings of the traders from this source formed a very large part of the profits of his business.

The yard I was in had a regular whipping post to which they tied the slave, and gave him "nine-and-thirty," as it was called, meaning thirty-nine lashes as hard as they could lay it on. Men were stripped of their shirts in preparation for the whipping, and women had to take off their dresses from the shoulders to the waist. These whippings were not so severe as when the slaves were stripped entirely of their clothes, as was generally the case on the plantations where slaves were owned by the dozen. I saw many cases of whipping while I was in the yard. Sometimes I was so frightened that I trembled violently, for I had never seen anything like it before. 

As if this wasn't inhumane and disgusting enough, tobacco states like Virginia passed slave codes, which were meant to prevent rebellion, and those passed in the late 17th through the 18th century were particularly vile. Slaves could be punished for very minor "offenses" and their so-called owners were legally permitted to punish them in any way they deemed appropriate, including what we would unquestionably call murder, and no white owner could be reprimanded in the slightest way. In fact, many slave codes mandated that the slavers (and in some cases, all white people in general who witnessed an offense) punished slaves, even individuals who were "freed," or they, the slavers, would face fines, potential jail time, and/or forfeit ownership of their own slaves. That's why these slave-whipping businesses were so unbelievably profitable and powerful. Slavers were encouraged to carry out punishments even if the so-called offenses committed were questionable. Slaves were often whipped without a reason given to protect slavers' ownership status. Furthermore, public whippings and punishments far worse were meant to intimidate slaves and break them of any hope that they or the future generations to come would ever gain freedom.

It's eerie how similar that bold part is to current events. In particular the prison industrial complex that gains so much profit out of mainly jailing black and brown people, such a protected form of profit that even the police who are put out to serve as authority are misguided by the policies that create an institutional slavery packed full of people who did petty crimes or questionable in whether or not it was a crime. Overall, we haven't progressed shit, our technology just got better.


revladymal: Have the Republicans reached peak batshit insane...


Have the Republicans reached peak batshit insane yet?

"Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is not like all the others, that its..."

"Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it has a mission to enlighten, civilize, bring order and democracy, and that it uses force only as a last resort. And, sadder still, there always is a chorus of willing intellectuals to say calming words about benign or altruistic empires, as if one shouldn't trust the evidence of one's eyes watching the destruction and the misery and death brought by the latest mission civilizatrice."

- Edward Said, Orientalism: 2003 Edition preface, xvi. (via khaldunebuggy)

angry-hippo: When the people of Nicaragua rose up to overthrow...


When the people of Nicaragua rose up to overthrow their exploitative, oppressive government, women were frontline soldiers during the revolution and maintained a prominent role in the socialist government that followed. Margaret Randall's wonderful book Sandino's Daughters documents the stories of their struggle, and paints a striking picture of the gentle humanity of these too-often-forgotten fighters.  

drugwar: By elvolo


By elvolo

sapphrikah: a-tropical-elf: I was googling the original name...



I was googling the original name of the African continent #1984 #assatashakur

Guys, the NYC Department of Education blocks students from learning about Assata Shakur.


shiamuslim: A wise word of caution, when a major faction of the civil war against Assad has openly...


A wise word of caution, when a major faction of the civil war against Assad has openly pledged loyalty to al-Qaeda, and whose direct supporters are both Saddam loyalists and Iraqi Ba'athists, you may want to check what's going on.

littleteashi: You should have heard by now from the news and at...


You should have heard by now from the news and at twitter about what happened in my country… 

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